
Your first visit is designed to help us learn about your current health status, your condition in which you are seeking help for and your expectations , this information will help us to determine whether you are a good candidate for chiropractic care.

Click Here to view what to expect on the first visit


If we think we can help you, we will proceed with a thorough chiropractic examination. We will test your mobility, how you turn & bend, your posture and a physical examination of your spinal column by palpation. These tests should feel comfortable.

X-rays may be required to help us evaluate the cause of your condition or to help identify more serious conditions. If so, we will refer you to our qualified Radiographer who can take the x-rays onsite.

We recommend that you allow 45 minutes for your first visit and that you wear tight fitting clothes ie active wear.

After your first visit, we will access all of the information gathered from your tests. Depending on availability, you can book as soon as the next day for your second visit where we will let you know what we have found, whether we can help you and answer any other questions you may have.

60 years of
Experience & Practice

Discovering & treating the cause of your problems

Increase your function & be the best version of you

NEW Patient Offer
$195 value

$49 Initial Consult Offer

Come in for your Discovery Process to find out what are the causes of your symptoms.
