Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

Bottom Line:  Staying up late one night usually only results in feeling a little tired the next day, but when this happens day after day, it can really start to negatively affect your life. Research has shown that a lack of proper sleep can result in irritability, increased stress, a weakened immune system, and even joint pains. However, by developing a few healthy habits, you’ll be able to ensure that your brain and body get …

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The Best Sleep Position

Bottom Line:  One of the most common questions we get from patients is: “What’s the best sleeping position?” Considering you spend nearly one-third of your life sleeping, this is an important question to ask! Top researchers have found one of the best positions to sleep is on your side with your head supported, shoulders centered, and a pillow between your legs. This allows for the best alignment of your spine and reduces the pressure on …

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Neck Pain, Posture and Headaches

Bottom Line:   You know that feeling – the one where you start to feel a headache coming on. For many people, it is a daily occurrence and often begins in the neck and shoulders. That’s right – tight muscles around your neck can result in tension headaches. What’s more, if you sit at a computer all day, your posture may also be contributing to a decreased range of motion, premature degenerative changes in your spine, …

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Health: Your Most Valuable Possession

Bottom Line:    What is the most valuable thing in the world to you? As the great physician Hippocrates once said: “A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession.” We agree. All the cars, watches, and bitcoins in the world has never improved anyone’s health. That’s why we are so passionate about helping you get well and stay well with Chiropractic care – and we aren’t alone. A recent study in …

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How Safe is Chiropractic Care?

Bottom Line:    Safety first. Not only is “do no harm” part of the oath that doctors take, but it’s also a pretty good principle for all of us to live by. No matter how safe you are, there are times when you get hurt or injured, and finding a healthcare option that is safe, provides excellent results, and has high patient satisfaction can be tricky. Or is it? In 2007, SPINE (one of the worlds …

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Your Arm Pain May Be Coming From Your Neck

Bottom Line:   Cervical radiculopathy is the medical term for when a spinal disc in your neck is irritating or compressing a nerve root, causing pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arm and hand. Specific neck movements, like twisting or bending, may increase the pain. This can happen because of injury or degenerative changes in the spine. The good news is that over 95% of people get well with natural healthcare like Chiropractic.     Why …

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Stress and Weight

Bottom Line:   A recent research study found over 75% of people experience at least a moderate amount of stress every day!    Chronic stress is not fun to deal with, but did you know it can also affect your weight?     When you are stressed your body goes into survival (or “fight or flight”) mode which changes your hormonal balance. You don’t need to be running from a saber tooth tiger to enter fight or flight …

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Why Growing Up Regular is a Good Thing

Bottom Line:   Constipation is a common issue many for children. It also stinks for parents. No one enjoys luring their child to the potty with a reward hanging in the balance for a job well done. But, for many families, the frequency of bowel movements with your child can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Fortunately, most cases of constipation aren’t a medical emergency and can be resolved without the use of …

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The ADHD Generation

Bottom Line:   Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is commonly identified when a child has difficulty paying attention and controlling their behavior. Over the past ten years, we have witnessed the rate of children diagnosed with ADHD increase by 42%. The potential for over-diagnosis has caused a lightning rod of controversy within the medical profession as doctors have begun to speak out about the number of prescriptions that are filled each year for powerful stimulants such as …

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New Year, Less Stress

Bottom Line:  Did you know that recent studies indicate that over 54% of people are stressed by the amount of stress in their lives? That’s a lot of stress! Stress in our shoulders. Stress in our neck. It’s no secret that muscle tension in those areas can contribute to headaches and neck and back pain. What you may not know, however, is that chronic stress can decrease your energy levels, increasing you’re the likelihood that …

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