Why Growing Up Regular is a Good Thing

Bottom Line:   Constipation is a common issue many for children. It also stinks for parents. No one enjoys luring their child to the potty with a reward hanging in the balance for a job well done. But, for many families, the frequency of bowel movements with your child can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Fortunately, most cases of constipation aren’t a medical emergency and can be resolved without the use of …

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Kids and Colic

Bottom Line:   There’s nothing like the sound of a colicky baby. If you’ve experienced this in the past, I hope that sentence didn’t send shivers down your spine. Colic is characterized by intense crying and fussiness for 3 or more hours a day, which conveniently starts just about the time you are getting ready to sit down and relax for the night! The symptoms associated with colic typically peak at around six weeks old and …

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The ADHD Generation

Bottom Line:   Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is commonly identified when a child has difficulty paying attention and controlling their behavior. Over the past ten years, we have witnessed the rate of children diagnosed with ADHD increase by 42%. The potential for over-diagnosis has caused a lightning rod of controversy within the medical profession as doctors have begun to speak out about the number of prescriptions that are filled each year for powerful stimulants such as …

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The Truth About Ear Infections Copy

Bottom Line:   Chronic ear infections, or otitis media, can be frustrating for both a child and their parents. While the child is dealing with the painful inflammation and fluid build-up in the middle ear, many parents find it challenging to decide the best treatment and course of action.     Why It Matters:  Ear infections are the most common reason parents bring their kids to the doctor. Nearly five out of six children will experience at least …

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Developing a Healthy Child

Bottom Line: “It takes a village to raise a child.” You’ve probably heard that quote in the past, and there is a lot of truth behind it. During childhood and adolescence, our bodies and minds grow at an unprecedented rate and set the foundation for the rest of our life. Our development is forged through the challenges and new experiences we encounter growing up. Top researchers have discovered that our experiences around food, movement and …

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Growing Up with Good Posture

Bottom Line: “Sit up straight!” We’ve all heard it (or said it) a million times, but many people aren’t aware that poor posture as a kid can create health challenges later in life. Rounded shoulders (scapular protrusion), swayback (lumbar hyperlordosis) and a hunched upper back (thoracic hyperkyphosis) are all postural imbalances that place a tremendous amount of stress on the spine. The muscles supporting your spine consequently must work harder to support your body weight …

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How Heavy is that Backpack?

Bottom Line: Even though an iPad can store an entire library worth of books, most kids still trudge to and from school each day carrying an oversized and overweight backpack filled with heavy textbooks. While it may not seem like a big deal, recent studies have shown that carrying the weight of a typical backpack is one of the top reasons for kids to have back pain. Why it Matters:  A vast majority of kids …

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Tech Neck

Bottom Line: Smartphones and tablets have quickly become a part of our everyday life. Many kids spend hours per day messaging with friends and playing the latest games. Often, it’s done with their neck bent forward, shoulders rounded, and arms holding the phone up in front of their eyes. New research has shown this type of awkward position can lead to a painful condition called “Tech Neck.” Why it Matters:  Recently, Scientific Reports published a …

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Moving Kids Towards Better Health

Bottom Line: Life is motion. Moving every day is crucially important to your overall health and wellness. Everything from cardiovascular disease to  depression has been tied to a lack of physical activity. And this isn’t something that only adults need to be aware of. Getting enough physical activity as a child is an important step in reducing the risk of chronic disease in adulthood. Why it Matters: If your child is tied to the latest …

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