What is Leaky Gut?

Bottom Line:  Leaky gut has been getting a lot of publicity over the past year, but what is it? Researchers have theorized that leaky gut is when partially digested protein and fat seep out of your digestive system and cause inflammation in your body. The inflammation, or allergic response, can lead to bloating, thyroid issues, fatigue, joint pain, digestive issues, food sensitivities, and a host of other unpleasant symptoms. As a matter of fact, one of …

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What is Leaky Gut?

Bottom Line: Leaky gut has been getting a lot of publicity over the past year, but what is it? Researchers have theorized that leaky gut is when partially digested protein and fat seep out of your digestive system and cause inflammation in your body. The inflammation, or allergic response, can lead to bloating, thyroid issues, fatigue, joint pain, digestive issues, food sensitivities, and a host of other unpleasant symptoms. As a matter of fact, one …

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Reducing Inflammation Naturally

Bottom Line: Reducing inflammation starts on your plate. Yes, that’s right! The choices you make about what you eat can play a huge role in your body’s hormone balance, immune response and inflammatory state. Each meal is an opportunity to turn up, or turn down, inflammation. And with inflammation leading to pain and even chronic disease, it’s best to make good decisions now to reduce your risk of health challenges in the future. Why it …

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The Link Between Chronic Disease and Inflammation

Bottom Line: Studies have shown that chronic inflammation is directly linked to many of the most common chronic diseases we encounter in our lives. Over 60% of people are affected with at least one condition associated with chronic inflammation. The number of people with heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer continues to soar as a result of the stress and dysfunction caused by chronic inflammation. Why it Matters: The process of chronic inflammation begins with …

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Inflammation and Your Health

Bottom Line: Researchers have identified inflammation as one of the most beneficial and harmful processes in your body. How is that possible? Well, acute inflammation is your body’s natural repair and healing response to an accident or injury. However, chronic inflammation is a different matter. Many major diseases, including coronary artery disease, diabetes, and cancer, have a common cause: chronic inflammation. Why it Matters: All the systems in your body are balanced and regulated by …

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What is Inflammation?

Bottom Line: If you’ve ever cut your finger or twisted your ankle, then you have first-hand experience with inflammation. The redness, swelling, pain and heat are all hallmarks of the inflammatory process. In some ways, this is the first step of the healing process as your body begins to repair the injured tissue. However, there is another side to inflammation that can be extremely damaging to your overall health…chronic inflammation. Why it Matters: Chronic inflammation …

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