Dynamic Stretching: A New Way to Feel Better

Bottom Line: You’ve probably been told many times that you should stretch before and after a workout. Most people never do because static stretching is boring and takes so much extra time at the gym. However, there is a way to combine stretching with your workout. It’s called dynamic stretching, and not only is it more fun, but researchers have discovered it’s more effective at reducing injuries and increasing range of motion than static stretching …

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Foam Rolling – It Hurts So Good

Bottom Line: Foam rolling has exploded in popularity over the past few years. No longer used only by athletes and trainers, foam rolling (or myofascial release) is now used by people at all levels of fitness. The goal of foam rolling is to improve muscle function, performance, and range of motion. When a tight muscle or trigger point is released, you’re better able to move freely, move with less pain, and improve your overall performance. …

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