Fixing Low Back Pain

Bottom Line:

Restrictions and limited mobility of your lower back may be causing your pain. If your low back doesn’t have a full range of motion, then you are setting it up for future injuries. Bending forward and back (flexion/extension), side bending (lateral bend), and turning side to side (rotation) are the three movements that make up a full range of motion. You have to use it, or you’ll lose it. Neglecting your lower back and not actively improving and maintaining a full range of motion can cause restrictions, reconditioning and increase your chance of injury.

Why it Matters:

The care given in our practice is specifically designed to address both aspects of improving your range of motion, segmental, and global. That means our chiropractic adjustments work the specific joints of your spine that are “stuck” or restricted. This begins the process of improving your range of motion and often provides quick relief from pain. The next steps are to improve the overall, or global, range of motion. This is where we may recommend at-home stretches, specific exercise, or even periodic adjustments to help continue your progress and hopefully keep you pain-free in the future.

  • Limited range of motion in your low back can lead to a combination of shortened and weakened muscles that increase your risk of injury.
  • Chiropractic care provides relief by improving the motion of your facet joints and limiting the pain signals traveling through your central nervous system.
  • At-home stretching, daily exercise, and even periodic chiropractic adjustments are all ways you can take a proactive approach to stay pain-free.

Next Steps:

If your low back is de-conditioned and limited in its mobility, you likely have a combination of shortened and weakened core muscles that are over-stressed and causing pain. Our practice is focused on helping you decrease pain, improve your mobility, and live a healthier life. The first step is to give us a call and let us help you get back in motion.

Science Source:

Magnetic resonance imaging zygapophyseal joint space changes (gapping) in low back pain patients following spinal manipulation and side-posture positioning: a randomized controlled mechanisms trial with blinding. JMPT 2013

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