Bulletproof Your Lower Back: A Guide to Lifetime Spine Health

Your lower back is the cornerstone of your body’s structure and movement, a beacon of strength and flexibility that supports you through every twist, bend, and turn. Yet, it’s often taken for granted until pain and discomfort rear their ugly heads, disrupting our daily lives and limiting our mobility. It’s time to change that narrative and take proactive steps towards bulletproofing your lower back. Embrace Proper Posture A strong and healthy lower back begins with …

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Fixing Low Back Pain

Bottom Line: Restrictions and limited mobility of your lower back may be causing your pain. If your low back doesn’t have a full range of motion, then you are setting it up for future injuries. Bending forward and back (flexion/extension), side bending (lateral bend), and turning side to side (rotation) are the three movements that make up a full range of motion. You have to use it, or you’ll lose it. Neglecting your lower back …

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Spinal Traction: Reducing Pain Through Movement

Bottom Line:   At a glance, spinal traction may look like a form of medieval torture. But, while at first, it may seem strange, the relief it can help provide is remarkable. Spinal traction offers relief from neck and back pain by reducing the pressure on spinal discs and nerves. Many people use spinal traction as a way to enhance the results they receive with their care in our practice.   Why it Matters:   …

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Stretch Your Way to Better Health

Bottom Line:   Stretching each day is an integral part of improving your overall health. Even if you’re not an athlete, stretching provides important benefits for both your mind and body. Believe it or not, there is a right and wrong way to stretch. Knowing the differences, and understanding the proper technique will help you stay more energized throughout the day and can also improve the flexibility of your joints. Why it Matters:   The …

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Facet Joints: Gliding Your Way to Better Health

Bottom Line: If you’ve had neck or back pain that you could pinpoint with your finger, or experienced sharp pains when you move, it may be related to the facet joints of your spine. It’s easy to think of your facet joints like the “knuckles” of your spine. They are small joints and have a capsule and cartilage pad that glides and slides, allowing your spine to move. Why it Matters: As you go through …

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Dynamic Stretching: A New Way to Feel Better

Bottom Line: You’ve probably been told many times that you should stretch before and after a workout. Most people never do because static stretching is boring and takes so much extra time at the gym. However, there is a way to combine stretching with your workout. It’s called dynamic stretching, and not only is it more fun, but researchers have discovered it’s more effective at reducing injuries and increasing range of motion than static stretching …

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Tape: All Hype or Scientifically Sound?

Bottom Line: It’s difficult to find a single sporting event where you won’t see an athlete wearing colorful tape somewhere on their body. You may have wondered what it is, and more importantly what it’s used for. The tape is called kinesio tape and was initially developed by a Chiropractor about 40 years ago. It works by stimulating proprioception, which is the medical term for knowing where your body is in space. Why it Matters: …

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