Why Growing Up Regular is a Good Thing

Bottom Line:   Constipation is a common issue many for children. It also stinks for parents. No one enjoys luring their child to the potty with a reward hanging in the balance for a job well done. But, for many families, the frequency of bowel movements with your child can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Fortunately, most cases of constipation aren’t a medical emergency and can be resolved without the use of …

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The Gut/Brain Connection

Bottom Line: If you have ever had “butterflies” or have been stressed to the point of your stomach hurting, you’ve experienced the gut/brain connection firsthand. Even the thought of food can activate your digestive system because it’s intimately connected with your brain and central nervous system. They are in constant communication, sending messages back and forth. So not only can stress make your stomach hurt, but your stomach hurting can actually stress you out! Why …

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Your Gut and Your Health

Bottom Line: Bacteria is something we are trained to from childhood, but the truth is that our bodies are filled with trillions of bacteria that help play an essential role in our digestive processes and much more. Researchers have recently discovered that the types and amounts of bacteria in your gut is actually linked to your likelihood of developing diabetes, obesity, depression, and even cancer. So, it would appear that our digestive health isn’t just …

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