The Risky Business of Spinal Injections

Bottom Line:  If you’ve suffered from pain in your arm or leg, it could be caused by a spinal disc pressing on one of your nerves. If a medical doctor recognizes a pinched nerve on your MRI, they might refer you for a spinal injection. While this seems like a normal process, new research has begun to show that spinal injections aren’t very effective at treating back pain, and the risks may far outweigh the …

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Whiplash: A Little Goes a Long Way

Bottom Line: The term whiplash is the term used to describe the injuries that result from a rapid back and forth motion of the neck. These injuries can occur during a car crash, sports accident, or during a slip and fall. The most common symptoms of a whiplash injury are neck pain, headaches, and radiating pain into the shoulders, arms, and hands. Why it Matters: Pain after whiplash happens when the delicate ligaments supporting your …

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Fixing Low Back Pain

Bottom Line: Restrictions and limited mobility of your lower back may be causing your pain. If your low back doesn’t have a full range of motion, then you are setting it up for future injuries. Bending forward and back (flexion/extension), side bending (lateral bend), and turning side to side (rotation) are the three movements that make up a full range of motion. You have to use it, or you’ll lose it. Neglecting your lower back …

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The Top Causes of Low Back Pain

Bottom Line: It’s been estimated that over 90% of us will deal with low back pain at some point in our life. So, you may be wondering why. What causes most of us to deal with lower back pain? How we move our body, previous injuries, and the habits we do (or don’t do) each day can play a huge role in either increasing or decreasing your risk of an aching back. Why it Matters: …

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What is Sciatica?

Bottom Line: Nearly everyone will have back pain at some point in their life, but with sciatica, you’ll know something is different right away. Pain that begins in your back travels down to your buttocks, and shoots down your leg is a classic sign of sciatica. The shooting pain down your leg is caused by compression on one of the nerves exiting your spine. Even a small amount of pressure can cause a tremendous amount …

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Disc Issues and Chiropractic

Bottom Line: Disc herniations, bulges, protrusions and extrusions are some of the most common reasons people visit a Chiropractic practice. Come to think of it, most people visit a Chiropractor not just because they have a disc issue, but because the disc issue has caused a significant impact on their quality of life. Exciting new research showcases what we have witnessed for years: how Chiropractic care provides outstanding results for people dealing with spinal disc …

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Tape: All Hype or Scientifically Sound?

Bottom Line: It’s difficult to find a single sporting event where you won’t see an athlete wearing colorful tape somewhere on their body. You may have wondered what it is, and more importantly what it’s used for. The tape is called kinesio tape and was initially developed by a Chiropractor about 40 years ago. It works by stimulating proprioception, which is the medical term for knowing where your body is in space. Why it Matters: …

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Moving Kids Towards Better Health

Bottom Line: Life is motion. Moving every day is crucially important to your overall health and wellness. Everything from cardiovascular disease to  depression has been tied to a lack of physical activity. And this isn’t something that only adults need to be aware of. Getting enough physical activity as a child is an important step in reducing the risk of chronic disease in adulthood. Why it Matters: If your child is tied to the latest …

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Finding Relief Without Drugs

Bottom Line: With the opioid crisis affecting millions of people, it may come as no surprise that there’s probably someone in your circle of friends and family struggling with opioid misuse or addiction. For those people, it can feel nearly impossible to find a way out. That potent combination of pain relief and euphoria characteristic of opioids makes them so incredibly addictive to both the brain and body. However, while opioids were once the standard, …

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Back Pain: Top Organizations Recommend Against Opioids

Bottom Line: At last, many top healthcare organizations are taking a stand against the prescription of opioids for treating back pain. The American Pain Society, Harvard Health, and the American College of Physicians have all recommended that people suffering from back pain seek conservative care options, such as Chiropractic, before taking any medications. What’s more, their stance is supported by decades of research that showcases the effectiveness of Chiropractic techniques – adjustments, rehabilitation, and soft …

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