Decreasing Tension Headaches

Bottom Line:  Quick question: do you know anyone who isn’t interested in reducing the stress in their life? We’ll give you a minute. Still thinking? That’s what we thought! There aren’t too many of us who couldn’t benefit from reducing the stress in our daily lives. Between family, work, and the latest political thread on social media, the stress can be overwhelming! Chronic everyday stress can also significantly impact our brains and bodies, causing everything …

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Preventing Menstrual Migraines

Bottom Line:  For many women, monthly menstruation means monthly migraines. In addition to hormone changes, your diet, physical activity and stress levels all contribute to this pattern. While pregnancy and menopause are two ways to eliminate these types of headaches, we also have a few more practical ways to find relief!    Why it Matters:  New research recommends Chiropractic adjustments as part of an evidence-based approach to reducing the pain associated with migraine headaches. Regular …

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The Connection Between Posture and Headaches

Bottom Line:  Ergonomics is the study of the posture and positioning of your body. It sounds pretty boring until you consider that millions of people are suffering from headaches every day that are related to their posture! Whether it’s an assembly line, a computer, a tablet, or your phone, you’re likely spending a lot of time looking down. Research has found that up to 20 pounds of pressure is placed on the neck for every …

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Neck Pain, Posture and Headaches

Bottom Line:   You know that feeling – the one where you start to feel a headache coming on. For many people, it is a daily occurrence and often begins in the neck and shoulders. That’s right – tight muscles around your neck can result in tension headaches. What’s more, if you sit at a computer all day, your posture may also be contributing to a decreased range of motion, premature degenerative changes in your spine, …

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Health: Your Most Valuable Possession

Bottom Line:    What is the most valuable thing in the world to you? As the great physician Hippocrates once said: “A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession.” We agree. All the cars, watches, and bitcoins in the world has never improved anyone’s health. That’s why we are so passionate about helping you get well and stay well with Chiropractic care – and we aren’t alone. A recent study in …

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How Safe is Chiropractic Care?

Bottom Line:    Safety first. Not only is “do no harm” part of the oath that doctors take, but it’s also a pretty good principle for all of us to live by. No matter how safe you are, there are times when you get hurt or injured, and finding a healthcare option that is safe, provides excellent results, and has high patient satisfaction can be tricky. Or is it? In 2007, SPINE (one of the worlds …

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Your Arm Pain May Be Coming From Your Neck

Bottom Line:   Cervical radiculopathy is the medical term for when a spinal disc in your neck is irritating or compressing a nerve root, causing pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arm and hand. Specific neck movements, like twisting or bending, may increase the pain. This can happen because of injury or degenerative changes in the spine. The good news is that over 95% of people get well with natural healthcare like Chiropractic.     Why …

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Reducing Inflammation Naturally

Bottom Line:  Reducing inflammation starts on your plate. Yes, that’s right! The choices you make about what you eat can play a huge role in your body’s hormone balance, immune response and inflammatory state. Each meal is an opportunity to turn up, or turn down, inflammation. And with inflammation leading to pain and even chronic disease, it’s best to make good decisions now to reduce your risk of health challenges in the future.       …

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The Link Between Chronic Disease and Inflammation

Bottom Line:  Studies have shown that chronic inflammation is directly linked to many of the most common chronic diseases we encounter in our lives. Over 60% of people are affected with at least one condition associated with chronic inflammation. The number of people with heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer continues to soar as a result of the stress and dysfunction caused by chronic inflammation.    Why it Matters:   The process of chronic inflammation begins …

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Inflammation and Your Health

Bottom Line:  Researchers have identified inflammation as one of the most beneficial and harmful processes in your body. How is that possible? Well, acute inflammation is your body’s natural repair and healing response to an accident or injury. However, chronic inflammation is a different matter. Many major diseases, including coronary artery disease, diabetes, and cancer, have a common cause: chronic inflammation.      Why it Matters:  All the systems in your body are balanced and regulated …

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