Dry Needling – Everything You Need To Know

Dry needling is a skilled technique performed by trained Practitioners to help manage musculoskeletal injuries and pain while also addressing movement dysfunction.  Dry Needling utilises a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin, fascia, and muscles to address adhesions, trigger points, and connective tissue.  This speed’s up the healing process and relieves pain by decreasing muscle spasm, increasing joint range of motion, and correcting movement dysfunction by releasing trigger points. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DRY NEEDLING …

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How Can Exercise Help Reduce Stress?

If you’re alive, you’ve got stress. Stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to an experience that can have both positive and negative impacts on your health. Your body responds to stress by releasing hormones and increasing your heart and breathing rates. Your brain gets more oxygen, giving you an edge in responding to a problem. In the short term, stress can be a good thing. It keeps us alert, motivates us, and can …

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The Importance Of Good Posture For Kids

As we become more dependent on technology in the 21st century, kids are spending an increased amount of time in front of screens with little regard for their posture. Now days with almost everything done online it becomes extremely important for your kids to be mindful of their posture. A study by the Australian Government reports that kids are spending more than the recommended two-hours per day limit on screens. The study found that kids …

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Are you constantly suffering from headaches?

Headaches are one of the most common types of pain affecting our everyday lifestyle. These headaches are most notably pain that is felt around the base of your skull, front or top of your head and behind your eyes. The fact of the matter is most headaches begin through significant muscle tightness (Knots) in the upper neck and shoulders. When you say, “I have a muscle knot” You are actually talking about myofascial trigger points. …

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