The Brain + Spine Connection

Bottom Line: Every thought and movement in your life occurs through your brain and spinal cord, which is collectively known as the central nervous system. Your spinal column acts as the armor and pathway for your spinal cord to travel down and split into the nerves that reach every cell of your body. Every moment and millions of messages and bits of information are moving along your spinal cord this very moment to maintain the …

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Disc Issues and Chiropractic

Bottom Line: Disc herniations, bulges, protrusions and extrusions are some of the most common reasons people visit a Chiropractic practice. Come to think of it, most people visit a Chiropractor not just because they have a disc issue, but because the disc issue has caused a significant impact on their quality of life. Exciting new research showcases what we have witnessed for years: how Chiropractic care provides outstanding results for people dealing with spinal disc …

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Facet Joints: Gliding Your Way to Better Health

Bottom Line: If you’ve had neck or back pain that you could pinpoint with your finger, or experienced sharp pains when you move, it may be related to the facet joints of your spine. It’s easy to think of your facet joints like the “knuckles” of your spine. They are small joints and have a capsule and cartilage pad that glides and slides, allowing your spine to move. Why it Matters: As you go through …

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