The Bowling Ball and the Pin: How Poor Posture Causes Neck Pain

Bottom Line: The average human head weighs about 8 pounds. Each day we all walk around with a bowling ball (our head) balancing on a toothpick (our neck). We are designed this way to allow for the full range of motion we all know and love. Even under the best circumstances, this places a lot of stress on our spine. But leaning forward even just 15 degrees pushes that weight up to 30 pounds, and …

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Taking Control of Your Health: Slowing Down the Degenerative Process

Bottom Line: The dreaded degenerative disc disease. Well, it may not be so dreaded after all. You may be surprised to learn that degenerative disc disease is a part of the normal aging process. As we age, our discs lose some of their water content and become less supple. This makes them appears darker on an MRI. And when they appear darker on MRI, you guessed it; they are labeled as degenerative. Why it Matters: …

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Your Arm Pain Could Be a Neck Problem

Bottom Line: Pain in your hand, wrist, or arm can be frustrating. You don’t realize how much you use your arms and hands each second of the day until pain, numbness, or tingling gets in the way. But, getting rid of the pain may be easier than you think. Why it Matters: Hand, wrist, and arm pain often starts with a neck problem. When a spinal disc in your neck irritates or presses on a …

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Is Your Cell Phone Causing Tech Neck?

Bottom Line: Staying connected to friends and family is easier than ever with social media. The tradeoff is that your daily screen time may be 1, 2, 3 hours or more. And let’s face it, a lot of those hours online are spent in an awkward forward head posture that experts have begun to call “tech neck.” It can result in neck pain, headaches, spinal disc issues, and even pinched nerves. Why it Matters: Each …

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